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(listen to the sound of the rain.)

SURPLISE!!! [30 Jun 2008|01:24pm]
[ mood | surprised ]

Today, I relistened to the entire A Tempo XIX tracklist and decided that the songs allll rock! Every one! Haha I can't imagine how come on my second listen I discredited American Salute! Actually its damn nice!

(listen to the sound of the rain.)

[29 Jun 2008|06:04pm]
[ music | Saga Maligna // Royal Symphonic Band of the Belgian Guides ]

Very bahang lah today!

And in other news, I have found out who plays the lovely version of Saga Maligna I have. Arharharhar.

And also, I am so very bored. I am also bored of Frozen Bubble. But this is like my last day of liberation =(

(listen to the sound of the rain.)

Argh I had a bad dream yesterday. I mean technically speaking it would be a good dream BUT I WILL NEVER SEE THIS PERSON IN THE SAME LIGHT AGAIN HOW AM I GOING TO EVEN FACE HIM/HER/IT (JUST TO BE VAGUE) D:

I think I can finally settle on a nice blog header picture. For a while. Was so unsatisfied with the previous...two. The first one was gorgeous.

( 1 listened | listen to the sound of the rain.)

[28 Jun 2008|12:40am]
[ mood | awake ]

I feel really good today. But:

1) Some people need to have more hope that things will change in the future. Only if you don't lose hope will things get better.
2) I need to stop gossiping.

That said:

1) My roll has improved magnificently since the last time I touched any perc at all! (perc instrus, that is)
2) Am thinking about it. But so many considerations. I'm still afraid. But actually come to think of it, there is no issue.
3) Eating alone (alone meaning with no friends, and with the FM radio malfunctioning) is really not shiok at all.
4) I have hardly any sense of rhythm. Is it innate or is it something you learn? Or could it be both; either for some people?
5) NEH.

( 1 listened | listen to the sound of the rain.)

HAHA [27 Jun 2008|12:14am]
demonocracy says (12:12 AM):
do you take h3 btw?

hab says (12:12 AM):

hab says (12:12 AM):
i dont want to stress myself up

hab says (12:12 AM):
haha actually i've always wanted to be a princess

hab says (12:13 AM):
then i realize to find a prince is quite hard and limited

hab says (12:13 AM):
so i decided tai tai will do

(listen to the sound of the rain.)

[25 Jun 2008|10:52am]
[ music | take a bow // muse ]

I have learnt a number of things this month.

1) Initiative is in short supply.
2) Common Sense is in short supply, and obviously not as common as the name suggests.
3) People who stick with you through thick and thin and don't abandon you halfway because they can't take the heat, the stress, or the responsibility are in short supply.
4) Business and personal relations are to be completely separated for things to run efficiently.
5) I thank God that Muse exists, as ironic as that may be.
6) I am always so, so angry but I am never angry at the right people but not because they're not wrong.

( 1 listened | listen to the sound of the rain.)

britneyyyyyy [25 Jun 2008|01:31am]
[ mood | refreshed ]

1) I don't care whether people say Britney is talentless or not, shameless or not gah her songs are so addictive my goodness
2) I am online at an ungodly hour.
3) I am very curious! I will totally get to the bottom of this eventually. Even if I have to wait a few thousand years! (or maybe not, who knows)
4) Okay I am bored but I don't want to sleep because Britney Spears is on loop!
5) CCK (: (: (:

(listen to the sound of the rain.)

random feelings of happiness! [25 Jun 2008|01:18am]
[ mood | happy/weird ]

Haha hmm!

1) Jerald's entry about Japan is so exciting!
2) My week is so happening! (In relative terms) but ah I forgot to get Limin's number >.< rrrr.
3) Happy happy happy =D
4) (:

( 1 listened | listen to the sound of the rain.)

stupid people who want our feedback but don't use it. [23 Jun 2008|11:55pm]
[ mood | peeved ]

After I've given negative feedback, if you want to defend your lousy, amateurish software to me, your customer, then go ahead and be satisfied with your product. Why bother getting feedback from people? Are you out to satisfy us or yourselves?

Well I don't care. I'll just drop your software eventually. You say that people who have your software are happy with it. Have you ever thought of the possibility that maybe people who have negative things to say about your software can't be bothered with it anymore?

In other news, I got myself an 8 gig Creative Zen. I pray that it won't be as fragile as it looks. No iPod for me. I've something against pretty things plus the fact that it's so ex.

(listen to the sound of the rain.)

[21 Jun 2008|07:08pm]
[ music | A Life So Changed / Southampton // James Horner (Titanic OST) ]

I want to:

1) Go swimming
2) Watch Titanic
3) Stay at home and laze around for tonight because yesterday was busy and tomorrow will be busy zzzpok
4) Sit in my room by myself and just think.

(listen to the sound of the rain.)

bloody imperialists [21 Jun 2008|02:48am]
Everything is so screwed up, and I'll bet you that Obama or not, it's just going to get more and more screwed up. With no end in sight just yet.

People are so screwed up.

Also, very interesting things have happened over the last few days. Suffice to say that it at first seemed to be a huge, very strange, problem which now seems completely irrelevant. I had leave from work, which quickly dissolved once I dropped by office to collect some documents on my way back to RJC. The moment my boss saw me, she assigned me work at once haha, completely forgetting that she advised me to take leave. Oh well.

(listen to the sound of the rain.)

these people who think only their way is right [21 Jun 2008|02:22am]
[ mood | bitchy ]
[ music | love theme from romeo & juliet (1968) // nino rota ]

Haha. I hope I never turn out to be as sickening, bitter and cynical as you when I become older.

Also, I am not fond of people who attack other people (by embarrassing them or putting them in a spot) during mealtimes. Duuuude.

(listen to the sound of the rain.)

[19 Jun 2008|03:32pm]
[ mood | angry ]

Argh. Please don't leave me when I really need you.

(listen to the sound of the rain.)

[18 Jun 2008|11:31pm]
[ music | utsukushii omoide // kaoru wada ]

In the long run, no matter how long it takes, we will all be alright. There is no rest at all for maybe the next 60 years, so maybe it'd be nice to remember why we're doing all this; when applying to university so we can get a job so we can retire well so we can die having done so much feels so meaningless.

Nothing means anything to me today.

(listen to the sound of the rain.)

all i have to do is really internalise this [15 Jun 2008|01:48pm]
There is no need to be so unkind.

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

(listen to the sound of the rain.)

[14 Jun 2008|09:24pm]
I have a very strange feeling someone wrote my number down on the back of a seat in a bus as a joke, because all kinds of annoying people are calling me, at mercifully long intervals though.

(listen to the sound of the rain.)

[14 Jun 2008|09:14pm]
[ mood | sad ]

Sigh. The fact is that there are so many simple reasons holding me back from what you think is good for me. I think it's good for me too, but I want time to see the Singapore Biennale, attend Coda and rwinds practs, time to get my driver's license, celebrate Hillary's and Jian Wei's birthday...all really small reasons. But I guess if they were really so small to me, I'd be able to let them go.

Well, I'll be laughing at this in 10 years' time, I hope.

(listen to the sound of the rain.)

[14 Jun 2008|12:26am]
[ mood | restless ]

Sigh I feel so lost, so pushed in a corner. This is not my planning and I feel like I'm losing control over my own life. Being given an ultimatum when none need be.

(listen to the sound of the rain.)

you are my lovely, beautiful secret [13 Jun 2008|05:25pm]
[ mood | calm ]

Am watching Inuyasha Movie 3 now and AM AT HOME, SLACKING HAHAHAHAHA. Supposed to be at work! But I think two days of not worrying about whatnot is lovely. Stress-free! I had the house to myself for all of 2 hours haha! It was awesome. (I didn't do anything funny, if you're wondering.) Actually I was sick lah, and I still have a funny sore lump in my throat but well it'll go away soon. It totally wasn't funny when 2 nights ago I dreamt that I was desperate to finish a completion (when you sell a house, exchange all documents and keys to the premises etc) and that some documents were missing and I had to keep on chasing people who were running away from me and keep on chasing and chasing and I don't think I completed in the end...

OKAY. Hmm. I'm bored and my internet is wonky.

(listen to the sound of the rain.)

never been so happy to fall sick before lol! [12 Jun 2008|11:20pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | le disko // shiny toy guns ]

I wish all that mattered was love. But we all know love is never enough.

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